Presidio ADR™ mediates complex cases nationwide

Tyler Meade mediates complex cases in New York, California, and elsewhere. He is creative, pragmatic, and dogged in pursuit of resolution.

Tyler’s success in resolving cases is rooted in his ability to quickly grasp complicated dynamics and subtle nuances, skills forged over three decades of diverse practice. Tyler is presently Chief Legal Officer of a New York-based financial services company with worldwide operations. He manages complex issues at the intersection of law, regulation and technology on a daily basis. Before that, he represented plaintiffs and defendants in complex commercial litigation around the country. At the outset of his career, he handled white collar crime as a prosecutor.

Tyler's recent mediation experience includes fraud, intellectual property and corporate disputes, and a nine-figure international commercial dispute pending in an international arbitration.  He has guided eight- and ten-figure disputes to resolution in his general counsel role.